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Archives of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology



right arrow  Dr.Ashok Turuk
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Email: akturuk@nitrkl.ac.in


right arrow  Dr.Alfredo Cuzzocrea
Professor, DISPES Department Department, University of Calabria
Email: alfredo.cuzzocrea@unical.it
right arrow  Dr.Gregory Stephanopoulos
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Email: gregstep@mit.edu
right arrow  Dr.Rajanikanth Aluvalu
Professor and Head Department of IT, IT Department, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology(CBIT)
Email: rajanikanth_it@cbit.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.John Batani
Senior Lecturer, Engineering & Technology Department, Botho University
Email: jonj188@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Amjed Al-Fahoum
Professor, Biomedical systems and Informatics Engineering Department, Yarmouk University
Email: afahoum@yu.edu.jo
right arrow  Dr.Vineet Mehta
Assistant Professor , Pharmacy/Neuroscience Department, Govt. College of Pharmacy
Email: vineet.mehta20@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Bilal Ahmed
Assistant Professor , Collage of Humanities & Sciences Department, University of Science and Technology of Fujairah, UAE
Email: bilalmaths7@yahoo.com
right arrow  Dr.Sha Faisal
Lecturer, Health & Biological Sciences Department, Abasyn University
Email: shahfaisal11495@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Sreekanth Rallapalli
Professor , Computer Science and Engineering Department, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology
Email: sreekanth.rallapalli@nmit.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.A. Akilbasha
Assistant Professor , Mathematics Department, Dr. Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University
Email: bashaakil@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Xin Li
Senior Bioinformatics Analyst, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics Department, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR), CGR, DCEG, NCI, NIH
Email: xin.li4@nih.gov
right arrow  Dr.Tanveer Baig Z.
Assistant Professor, IT Department, Japanese International University
Email: tanveerbaigbe@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Ashok Turuk
Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
Email: akturuk@nitrkl.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Anindya Sundar Panja
Assistant Professor, Biotechnology Department, Oriental Institute of Science and Technology
Email: biotech2ani@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Atul Kumar Jaiswal
Assistant Professor, Bioinformatics Department, Jamia Hamdard University
Email: atulkjaiswal@jamiahamdard.ac.in

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